Links Worth Clicking

Happy Monday, Everyone! Here are four interesting things you want to know about:

To kick off National Library Week a bunch of local librarians had a flash freeze mob at the Holyoke Mall on Sunday.  75 people froze in place reading a book, leaving mall goers to wonder, “What are they doing?” Check out this video:

Spring break is right around the corner. On Wednesday April 20 at 1:00, professional artist, Andy Fish, will be here giving a presentation on manga art and a drawing lesson.  If you like manga, if you like drawing, or if you just want to do something different with your Wednesday, you should definitely check this out. Learn more about Andy here: continues their celebration of School Library Month, with another contest.
This week’s writing prompt is: Romance happens in unusual places. Write a story or poem in fewer than 750 words (short and sweet!) about two people who meet in an unusual or downright bizarre location.
This week’s judge is Alyson Noel, author of the Immortals series (Evermore, Blue Moon, etc.)For more info and to enter this contest, go here:

Last, but not least, Young Adult authors Cassandra Clare and Holly Black will be speaking and signing books at the Odyssey Bookshop in South Hadley on Friday April 22 at 7 pm. Each has just released a new book, City of Fallen Angels, and Red Glove, respectively. If you’ve read anything by either of these fantastic authors, you should come to this event. I’m planning to go!

April Writing Contests from Figment

In addition to being National Poetry Month, April is also School Library Month.  To celebrate this, the American Association of School Librarians is partnering with, a free online community for teens to create, discover, and share new reading and writing, to present four writing contests over four weeks.  Each contest will begin with a writing prompt for a different genre of fiction, on each Monday this month.  This week’s contest is contemporary fiction and will be judged by Gayle Forman, author of If I Stay.

The writing prompt is: Write a story or poem in fewer than 750 words (short and sweet!) that takes place in the course of one day; somewhere in the story you must include original lyrics. This means that you must include lyrics that you’ve written.

For more detailed instructions on how to enter, go here.

If you decide to enter, let me know.  I would love to read your story. You can send me an email at
Check back next Monday for a new writing prompt.

Figment is also really cool because it has interviews with authors and sneak peaks from books, like this one: Blake Nelson’s Recovery Road. If you like what you see, you can check this book out of the library, or place a hold through the library catalog.

Celebrate National Poetry Month!

April is National Poetry Month!

To celebrate, we’re having two poetry programs for teens:

Newspaper Blackout Poems
inspired by the work of Austin Kleon
Wednesday April 13 @ 3:00
Check out Austin Kleon’s website to get inspired!

Book Spine Poetry
Wednesday April 27 @ 3:00
Check out this gallery of book spine poems by 100 Scope Notes:

Here’s a book spine poem I made.

In addition to these two programs, I will be linking poems and other poetry related things all month here on the website and on our Facebook Page.  If you love poetry, stop by and say so, or friend the Facebook page and post on the wall!

Poetically Yours,
Teen Librarian, Erin Daly

After School Movie: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Wednesday March 30 @ 3:00

Come watch this laugh-out-loud funny special effects spectacle from last summer.  Jay Baruchel plays Dave,  a geeky guy who loves science and never gave much thought to magic.  Nicholas Cage plays Balthazar a hundreds of years old sorcerer who shows up to train Dave as his apprentice.  This movie has action, humor, explosions, old man shoes, Tesla coils, and even a little romance.

Balthazar: “This is the Merlin Circle. It focuses your energy. Helps you master new spells. It is where you will learn the Art. Step inside, you leave everything else behind. Once you enter, there is no going back. ”
Dave: “So I should probably pee first?”

Check out a trailer on The Internet Movie Database:

Mortal Instruments Trivia Quiz

Do you love the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare?   The fourth book in this action-packed, romantic, and often hilarious paranormal fantasy series, City of Fallen Angels, is coming out on April 5.  Try your hand at our trivia quiz to win a copy of the new book.


1. Contest is open to teens and adults.

2. Grab a copy of the paper quiz at the display in the teen section at the library, or fill it out online here:

3. Return paper quizzes to the Help Desk.

4. A winner will be selected from the quizzes.  Correct answers and creative responses to why you love this series will improve your chances!

5. The winner will be notified by phone or email on April 5, the book’s release date.  If you win, come to the library to claim your prize.


Here are some of the most especially exciting things that are happening in February:

Montly Teen Movie: Inception – Wednesday, February 16 @ 3:00

Anime Club – Thursday February 17 @ 3:00
Screening episodes of His and Her Circumstances, a realistic high school romance with plenty of comedy.  Watch a trailer here

Cupcake Decorating – School Vacation Week – Wednesday February 23 @ 1:00cc photo via flickr by dichohecho

For regularly scheduled programing (like gaming and free computer lab time) check the
Teen Events Page!

Digital Dare

The Chicopee Public Library is partnering with Chicopee Comprehensive High School to present a new way to learn about some of the more interesting things the Internet has to offer.  We call it Digital Dare.  Each month there will be a challenge, something to do with exploring ways to create and learn online.  If you complete the challenge you will be entered into a drawing to win a prize.

For more information and to participate in this month’s dare: click here.

December Programs for Teens

It’s getting cold out, but it’s plenty warm here in the library.  Here’s what’s happening for teens in December:

Anime Club  December 2 @ 3:00 – Screening of the first two episodes of Bleach and the first two episodes of Naruto.
Video Games December 3 @ 2:30 – play Wii games on the big screen. We have Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Rock Band 2, Beatles Rock Band and Wii Sports.  We also have Dance Dance Revolution on PS2.
Teen Advisory Board Meeting December 9 @ 3:30 – We’ll be finishing the planning for our bake sale and talking about teen programs for the winter months.  Join us if you have and idea for something you’d like to do at the library!
Holiday Crafts December 10 @ 2:30 – Make cards, wrapping paper, or something to give as a gift.
Bake Sale & Food Drive December 11 9:30-12:30 – Teen Advisory Board members will be selling treats and collecting non-perishable food to benefit Lorraine’s Soup Kitchen.  Make a food donation and get a free cookie! (while supplies last)
Low Tech Gaming December 17 @ 2:30 – Play board games & card games in the conference room.  We have Jenga, Apples to Apples, My Word, Chicopoly, and Chess.
Winter Break Movie: How to Train Your Dragon December 29 @ 2:00  Join us for popcorn and a movie in our Community Room.

Hope to see you soon!

Harry Potter Movie Marathon

Excited about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1?  It comes out next month, you know.  You can watch trailers and learn more at the official Harry Potter movie website.

Here at the library, we’re so excited about the new Harry Potter movie that we want to get caught up on everything that’s happened so far.  We’ll be showing all six of the previous Harry Potter movies, one each Wednesday night up until the week of the Deathly Hallows premiere, starrting with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, on October 13.  Movies will start at 6pm. Come early, 5:45,  for trivia, snacks and prizes.  Wear a costume, or your Hogwarts house colors.  Bring your friends, bring your parents, bring your siblings, all are welcome to celebrate the wizarding world!